english indonesia

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Fitzeman founded in 2001. At the first time, it was the education consultant that giving free consultation about study abroad in German for Indonesian student who wants to study in German. Another service that provided by Fitzeman is German Private-Course placed at student house or even in the office of the student who is working.
For any company which want to improve its employees ability in speaking German, we are willing to be a partner. This point is our commitment as the vision to increase the intelligence of Indonesian people. By legalization from public lawyer, Mr. Drajat Darmadji, SH, Fitzeman is able and legal to operate as a company.

In March 2004, Fitzeman trusted as the representative of Sprachforum Heinrich Heine Düsseldorf, German. By signing Memorandum of Understanding, Fitzeman is legal as The Representative for Jakarta, Indonesian. The partnership is still run. For more information about Sprachforum Heinrich Heine, link to www.sprachforum.de

Fitzeman design its teaching method of learning German language by using Private-Course Base on Competency Concept. By using the concept, every student will be able to adapt and practice their ability in German just in a little time, even for the beginner. The concept has been applied to our student who had finish the study or still studying right now. Those students get high qualification in their field of study.All the Fitzemans student’s who want to increase the ability in German are recommended to continue the course at Sprachforum Heinrich Heine – Düsseldorf for the highest level. Fitzeman also recommend its student to take the Test-DaF in Sprachforum Heinrich Heine because it has the license to organize the test.

Developing intelligence of Indonesian people so that can forming human resources that have high intellectuality to develop Indonesia to be better.


  1. Preparing student ability in language so that has strong basic in language.

  2. Giving the newest and accurate information from many aspects about study abroad in German so that the student can prepare everything before.

  3. Helping registration process in Indonesia Studienkolleg or the university in German which organizing Studienkolleg.

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